Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Tips for People Who Don't Stretch (Yet)

We know we should stretch, but do we actually find or make time to stretch.  If you are like me I add in a few stretches at the end of my workout, tell myself that I need to do more one day and move on to the next thing on my list. When I first become interested in stretching, I purchased books, read a lot, reviewed downloads and even took a few classes. It's one thing when you get into stretching, it another when stretching gets into you. The more I learned, the more I knew I had to incorporate it into my life. Why not? For me, stretching seemed  boring. I know I should stretch, it has so many benefits, and who couldn't use a bit of flexibility and better range of motion? But when it came to finding the time  to do it, I instead jumped on the Ab machine or hurried out of the gym. Has this happen to you ? Is stretching like the last thing on your list of things to do around fitness? Ultimately, I came to develop a stretching practice and it has changed my life for the better. I 've learned that with stretching, the process of doing it is the whole point, not talking about it. 
I would like to share some tips to help those of you who are where I was about stretching.  Each one combats one reason we may give for not starting a stretch routine.
1. I don't have time! 
I know everybody is busy, so start slowly, say 5 minutes per day then work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes per day.  You can even practice at work, stand up every hour and do a different stretch. You can find times in your day to add stretching to what you already do.
2. It is boring! 
Yes, we love the active stuff, but there is benefit in stretching as well. Stretching increases your range of motion. 
3. I'm not good at it!
We all start at the same place. The more you do it the better you get.
4. My mind wanders!
Yes, but we all need to take some time out for ourselves. This is about self care.
5. I don't know were to begin!
Just start, start small, and go easy on yourself. Just like other exercise programs after a few weeks of stretching, you will feel like it isn't a big effort any more, it becomes something you want to do, and something you like doing. When it comes to stretch and heal, I am your man. Call me if you have any questions, 786-218-3266.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stretch and Core

Asking a person who does cardio sculpt, cross fit and or boot camps to focus on flexibility is like asking democrats and republicans to work in the best interest of the nation. I am not trying to tell you that stretching will improve relationship in. Washington, DC,  I am telling you that good flexibility will help you in the gym and overall.

If you do squats, lunges or reach deep in a bent over row chances are you could use some flexibility and core training. Poor flexibility coupled with a weak core is a accident waiting to happen. Stretching helps circulate blood and oxygen to the joints, keeping them supple and healthy. Our blood carries nutrients and vitamins to our muscles so they can heal and rebuild. Further, stretching help flush the body of toxins and lactic acid that creates trigger points(little knots) that bind the muscle fiber together, preventing your muscles from functioning at their maximum potential, so if you don't have sufficient flexibility in your back, hips and glute, you might resort to poor form, compensating elsewhere for that inadequacy, which can lead to injury. In my stretch program I also incorporate core exercises, because a strong core will help maintain intra- abdominal pressure during bent over moves and squats, will protect your spine. Core exercises helps everything from posture to performance. Start strengthening your lower back and core while working on flexibility. Do the following core & strength routine:
Planks, 3 sets,1 minute, swimmer, 3 set,1minute and supine low- back stretch, 3 set, 1 minute. I recommend doing these exercises 2-3 times per week after a body part workout.  For more information,I am your man. Stay fit for life!! Nate

Friday, September 27, 2013

Choose to change- Add Heavy Rope training to Your Workout

It's time to take your workout to a new level, heavy rope training can help you get there fast. A strong core is at the center of all the programs I develop for my clients.  If you really want to make a different you should change your workout. How many times have you lifted those dumb bells or done lat pull downs. Are you bored, aside from that you probably have hit a plateau. Add heavy rope training can help put some life back into your workout and help to shock your body and some muscles differently. 

Heavy rope training was originally developed for combat sports like football and mixed martial arts, it has now found it's way into your program. It is highly effective at increasing your strength, power, and endurance. Constantly moving those ropes batting the floor or ground will help tone your muscles and give you a metabolic hit like none other. A few whips will get your heart rate up fast. All you need is a heavy rope and something to anchor to, a pole or a tree. Loop it around , hold one end in each hand  and go to work. if you have some hold the rope, make sure they grab the rope in the middle and make sure they ate strong enough to handle the action coming their way. The rope should be 1.5 to 2 inches thick. Rope training engages not just your arms and shoulders, it gets the whole body .common movements are waves, slams. throws, spirals and whips.  Start slow and increase as you get stronger. Fit to the core. Nate

Lossen tight muscle with a foam roller

I use foam rollers in my stretch classes to help my clients work out the knots in their muscles. A foam roller is an inexpensive, super - versatile piece of equipment that can work of knots and help sculpt an incredible set of abs fast. The softness and give of the foam roller makes it a great prop for stretching. Use the roller under the feet, slip off those shoes and stand with the roller under your arch, gently apply pressure to the arch by leaning your weight forward and slowing roll your foot back and forth over the roller. If you want more pressure, hold on to something sturdy for balance and stand on the roller with both feet  and gently and carefully roll back and forth.  Using a foam roller in my opinion is a form of stretching and it is essentially a more affordable way to get a deep tissue massage. If you have not incorporated  using a foam roller in your program, you are missing out on some serious benefits. By slowing rolling over various areas of your body, you will help break up adhesions and scar tissue and speed up the healing and recovery process after your workouts. You should use it to loosen up common areas of tightness such as your outer thigh (iliotibial band, ITB), quadriceps, or upper back. Foam roller work by using the body's natural response to pressure. As you roll over tight spots or trigger points, the muscle relaxes. For especially tight spots, apply constant pressure rather than rolling back and forth. If you need to work out a few knots in your upper back , place the roller under your shoulder blade and cross your arms over your chest. Lift your hips off the floor and use your body weight to apply pressure on the tight areas. Hold up to 60 seconds. Another great technique for relieve of tension in the neck is to lie on your back with the roller under your neck. Allow your head to rest on top of the foam roller, so that  you feel a gentle pressure on you neck. You slowly turn your head to the side, or to the side and down( aiming your chin down to the shoulder).  Hold this position for up to 60 seconds. Performing exercises on an unstable surface is a great way to engage your core muscles and make total - body exercises like planks more challenging. Place both hands on top of the roller during a fuller plank or push up, or slide your roller under your toes during the exercise. This will force your body to work harder to stabilize. To make it easier, you should consider using a half roller with a flat bottom until you are ready for the full version. Foam rollers can be useful in a variety of ways and may help you with balance or release your muscles. You can also take your Ab workout to the next level by adding foam rollers, you will force your core to work harder to help balance your body on the unstable surface. Try do your crunches on the roller.  Check me out at Nate's 30 Day Total Body Transformation on face book. Stay fit for life!!!!

Stretch to add years to your life and life to your years.

Yes, you really do need to stretch, because it is important to your overall well being. The benefits are endless.
1. You'll prevent injury and relieve pain. It is know that stretching increases your range of motion, it takes pressure off your joints and allows your body to move more fluidly. 
2. You will improve your circulation by increasing blood flow to your muscles. Better circulation helps your body recover faster by removing waste by products in the muscle tissue.
3. You will relieve stress and help you calm your mind and reduce stress levels. When you feel anxious, worried , or just plain worn down, it place extra strain on your body. By stretching to unwind you can relieve that tension . 
4. You will improve flexibility in your calves, hamstrings and shoulders, relieve lower back pain and elongate your cervical spine, which relieves tension in the body and head.
5 You will improve flexibility in your hips and quadriceps, release the psoas, which is a part of a group of muscles called the hip flexors. Tightness of the psoas can result in lower back pain by compressing the lumbar discs
6. You will increase flexibility in your glutes as well as help knee joints properly align during activity and help prevent sudden twist and allow for easier external rotation of the hips.
7. You will lengthen and realign you spine as well as stimulate the digestive system,reducing the risk of shoulder injury by improving flexibility in the rotator cuff and posterior capsule. Improve range of motion in the shoulder as well.
Make sure you do at least a 5 minute cool down stretch after your workouts. I also highly recommend you take stretch classes once or twice per week, not yoga, not Pilates, actual stretch classes and or get you a stretch coach for stand alone assisted stretch sessions.
Stay fit for life! Nate, the doctor of stretch.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Body Transformation- That look

If you want that look, keep it simple. There are three factors to consider for body transformation. Exercise, eating properly and sleep. Eat more for size versus less for sleekness. Mostly importantly, prioritize Sleep! Only during sleep does our bodies experience physical transformation. Nobody is perfect. In order to gain mass one should take in 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day. Get a trainer or coach or join a group,don't do it alone.  Everybody needs help to reach their goals. Read, listen and learn. If you are looking to transformation your body, I am your guy. Follow me on Facebook at Nate's 30 Day Total Body Transformation or www. nathanielwilkins. com. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Focus, focus, Focus

The one thing, I am focusing on more and more in my sessions with clients whether private or group is breathing. How to breathe properly in pressure  situations . Breathing is at the center of everything I teach and train. Taking deep full breaths allow clients to develop  a sense if calm , poise  and focus. This is key when clients are stretching or cycling or trying to finish off that last set of abs.
1. Take deep, and slow breath through the nose, filling the button of the stomach first. Allow your back to expand, and keep your shoulders soft.
2. Exhale through your noise, pausing briefly at completion.
3. Start with ten deep breaths once a day for ten days.
4.Continue daily and practice deep breathing in tense situations until it becomes second nature.

You need a Health, Wellness and Fitness Agenda

What are you goals going forward? Do you want to lose weight, lose fat or feel and look better?  If so you need three things, an agenda, an address and someone or somebody to train/ workout with be it coach, trainer or friends. The first step to reach your main goals is to determined what it is and then set the action steps in place to get there. Look at your list, your short term, medium and long range goals and the specific steps you can take to move in the direction of your goals. Be as specific as things you can do daily.  Here are few things to consider: walk at least 30 minutes five times per week, stretch after each workout,take time to relax, pray or mediate, eat protein with every meal, eat slower, learn to taste your food. Eat more fruits and veggies. Drink more water, reduce your sugar intake. Inch by inch, by the yard it it hard.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Think different about exercise

If you are new to exercise, or dealing with pain caused by injuries or a chronic condition like arthritis, you should start a low impact program. Low impact does not mean it is easy unless you want if to be.  You can burn calories to lose weight and get in shape. I recommend my stretch and core program or an assisted stretch sessions. . This program burn about 150 calories per half hour. The amount of calories you burn during a particular routine is determined by several factor including your weight, gender and intensity level. Call me at 786-218-3266 if you have any questions. Nate, the doctor of stretch.

Think Different about You!

Our lives need balance, if you are balanced at work, something may be out of balance with your health and fitness, if you are balanced with health and fitness, you may be out of balance  reference your family life. "Balance is the point where the spiritual, physical and emotional aspects of our personalities meet and occur" Balance creates order. Where are you with balance in these areas?  Eating right,
sleeping, socializing, finances,home lives, exercise,personal/ alone time, spending,family and relationship. How about starting to get it together today. Stay fit for life! Nate

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You don't stretch enough

You only have maybe an hour a day , four days a week, to hit the gym, and you are not about to waste it on stretching. The problem is if you do not stretch you lose flexibility and range if motion in each muscle. You will not be able to overload the muscle through its entire range and you'll limit your growth potential. Stretching is best done after working out to maximize flexibility and range if motion. It is never a good idea to stretch cold muscles, because it could lead to muscle pulls or tears. Call me Nate if have any questions, 786-218-3266

Are you eating too little or too much protein?

If you eat too much protein, the excess is sent to the liver, changed to sugar and used as fuel, stored as glycogen or stored as body fat. Many people don't realize that protein can be stored as fat.  Likewise, if you eat too little protein, you fall into a negative nitrogen balance, meaning there aren't enough amino acids  to make your muscles grow. Keep a record of your consumption. Shoot for 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily.

Kick start your post workout with stretching

Stretching helps to re- lengthen muscles contracted and shortened while training. You can increase your flexibility and agility as well. Call me at 786-217-3266 if you have any questions

Monday, September 16, 2013

Think Different about your health and motion

The more we know. the more we must know.. Technology adds to our confusion by accelerating the leaning process and removing us from a direct, hands -on relationship with many facets of life that were once readily experienced and understood. There are 639 individual muscles approximately 400 skeletal muscles and over 200 bones in an adult human. A medium - sized muscle contains about 10  million muscle cells, which means a total of 6 billion in the overall musculature. Movement is a determine factor of how we move and or feel.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How much stretching do you need per week?

How much stretching you need really depends on the individual and how flexible they are at the time. It is wise to prioritize your fitness/ wellness program
to stabile your body. The real deal is no matter how limber yo
u are , you need to 
stretch, ever if it is for 10-15 minutes after a workout. Do dynamic  stretching like leg swings and walking lunges without weights. If you are really tight stretching 30-40 minutes either in a class or with a Stretch coach, this can have a big impact. Stay fit for life. Nate
Call me at 786-218-3 if you have question.
Certifed Stretch Coach'

Cardio is important to your fitness plan

Spending time with a few of my Sunday Morning  Spin clients at Fisher Island. Cardio is important. Stay fit for life!!! Nate , 786-318-3266

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hanging out with people in high place

Check me out at the Eden Roc on Miami Beach with one of my favorite food and beverage consultants. I am a bad man!!!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

No Pain- Stretch and Heal

Are you experiencing tight hips, tight shoulders, weak lower back and bad posture? You should try stretching for lasting change and dramatic increase  in flexibility and alleviating pain.  You can attend stretch classes or schedule an assisted stretch session with a stretch coach.  Call me at 786-218-3266 for more information. Stay fit for life!!! Nate

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Think different- Beat Muscle Stiffness and Soreness

You've felt it before and,if you're doing things right now, you feel it again. Try a stretch class or assisted stretch session with a Stretch and Heal Coach. Maybe your body has gotten lazy. Stretching lengthens and strengthens muscles, reduces pressure on your spine, disk and joints to ease and prevent pain.  Research has shown that back pain patients who stretch as part if their treatment fare better than those who rely solely on anti- inflammatory medication. I suggest you add stretch after your training to your routine. Call me at 786-218-3266 if you need more or have any questions. Stay fit for life!!!! Nate

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My anti aging Sunday pull up routine

Think different about Body Transformation

Hey, fitness is ageless, the body was designed to move, get moving. Start where you are. Get a coach or join a class, develop a network of workout/ fitness friends. For more call at 786-218-3266

Friday, August 30, 2013

Touching Lives with the Gift of Fitness

Fitness and Wellness brings people together no matter where they come from. I just finish teaching a spinning class with people from all over the world. The common ground health and fitness. Fitness is ageless.

Think Different about transforming your body

It is said that there are three things to consider and do when we want to change anything. 1. Change the way we move and use our bodies 2. Change what we focus on and believe , 3. Change the words we use and or the meaning.  The human body was designed for movement, if we move more, we will start to feel different, when we change our negative thoughts to positive, we see things different and when we change what talk about, we get different results. You don't get what you want, you get what you picture. Spend some time daily picturing a new you from the inside out.  Decide today and every day what you want in your life, then say it out loud to yourself. If negative get in the way and takes. over, tell it to leave you alone. Stay fit for life!!!!

The Tool for Stretching

You don't need much to do stretching and many gyms and studio even have the available essentials available at no cost.  Still there are benefits to owning your own equipment.  Here is what I recommend...
A non slip mat, please no shoes.
A strap/ optional
Heavy duty canvas strap that you wrap around your legs and arms to help you stretch
Comfortable clothing that is not too loose
A foam roller. Now you are ready for your stretch session. Stret_____ch it. Call me at 786-218-3266. Stay fit for life! Nate

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Think different about stretching

Whether you want be able to bend over and inspect your shoes, want to improve performance overall or simply need to reduce stiffened, stretching could be your answer.  To most fitness, wellness participants, a stretching class or assisted stretch session are equivalent to sitting on a park bench, or they think of it as something to do after their workout or training. While there is a sect that does exactly that, stretching classes and assisted stretching are becoming more user-friendly- and more beneficial to the mind and body . In fact, stretching could be the key or your secret ingredient that takes your fitness lifestyle to the next level, really, seriously. For more information contact me at 786-218-3266. Nate.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Think Different- Stretch for more flex- ability

Stretching actively lengthens your muscles. My stretch work is different because I use a combination of methods. Rather than pulling on the limbs to the point of soreness, I work through the nervous system to achieve lasting flexibility gains. This works on the motion that manipulating the muscle's nervous energy is a major key to unlocking the bodies functional flexibility. For info contact me at 786-218-3266

Monday, August 26, 2013

Bridal Boot Camp with Nate

Bridal Boot Camp is what you do to get in shape for your wedding day, and honeymoon, too. This workout is designed to sculpt your core, melt your middle , broaden your shoulders. You will look great walking down the aisle. Call me at  786-228-3266.

Getting Moving/ A Spin is great way to start the day!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


My stretch programs whether classes or assisted are geared mainly toward baby boomers. Stretching increases and maintains range of motion, enhances physical and athletic abilities, relieves stiffness and soreness, increases muscle relaxation and lastly helps one feel lighter and younger. Contact me for more information or call me at 776-218-3266 to schedule sessions.

One of my pull up routines on Sunday morning. This is how I keep my upper body tight.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Getting fit

Jamming at the Children's Museum

Having a great time with kids at the Children's Museum


Hi! I'm Nate Wilkins and you will be able to find very interesting information about fitness and personal growth on this site. Contact me at 786-218-3266