Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Tips for People Who Don't Stretch (Yet)

We know we should stretch, but do we actually find or make time to stretch.  If you are like me I add in a few stretches at the end of my workout, tell myself that I need to do more one day and move on to the next thing on my list. When I first become interested in stretching, I purchased books, read a lot, reviewed downloads and even took a few classes. It's one thing when you get into stretching, it another when stretching gets into you. The more I learned, the more I knew I had to incorporate it into my life. Why not? For me, stretching seemed  boring. I know I should stretch, it has so many benefits, and who couldn't use a bit of flexibility and better range of motion? But when it came to finding the time  to do it, I instead jumped on the Ab machine or hurried out of the gym. Has this happen to you ? Is stretching like the last thing on your list of things to do around fitness? Ultimately, I came to develop a stretching practice and it has changed my life for the better. I 've learned that with stretching, the process of doing it is the whole point, not talking about it. 
I would like to share some tips to help those of you who are where I was about stretching.  Each one combats one reason we may give for not starting a stretch routine.
1. I don't have time! 
I know everybody is busy, so start slowly, say 5 minutes per day then work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes per day.  You can even practice at work, stand up every hour and do a different stretch. You can find times in your day to add stretching to what you already do.
2. It is boring! 
Yes, we love the active stuff, but there is benefit in stretching as well. Stretching increases your range of motion. 
3. I'm not good at it!
We all start at the same place. The more you do it the better you get.
4. My mind wanders!
Yes, but we all need to take some time out for ourselves. This is about self care.
5. I don't know were to begin!
Just start, start small, and go easy on yourself. Just like other exercise programs after a few weeks of stretching, you will feel like it isn't a big effort any more, it becomes something you want to do, and something you like doing. When it comes to stretch and heal, I am your man. Call me if you have any questions, 786-218-3266.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stretch and Core

Asking a person who does cardio sculpt, cross fit and or boot camps to focus on flexibility is like asking democrats and republicans to work in the best interest of the nation. I am not trying to tell you that stretching will improve relationship in. Washington, DC,  I am telling you that good flexibility will help you in the gym and overall.

If you do squats, lunges or reach deep in a bent over row chances are you could use some flexibility and core training. Poor flexibility coupled with a weak core is a accident waiting to happen. Stretching helps circulate blood and oxygen to the joints, keeping them supple and healthy. Our blood carries nutrients and vitamins to our muscles so they can heal and rebuild. Further, stretching help flush the body of toxins and lactic acid that creates trigger points(little knots) that bind the muscle fiber together, preventing your muscles from functioning at their maximum potential, so if you don't have sufficient flexibility in your back, hips and glute, you might resort to poor form, compensating elsewhere for that inadequacy, which can lead to injury. In my stretch program I also incorporate core exercises, because a strong core will help maintain intra- abdominal pressure during bent over moves and squats, will protect your spine. Core exercises helps everything from posture to performance. Start strengthening your lower back and core while working on flexibility. Do the following core & strength routine:
Planks, 3 sets,1 minute, swimmer, 3 set,1minute and supine low- back stretch, 3 set, 1 minute. I recommend doing these exercises 2-3 times per week after a body part workout.  For more information,I am your man. Stay fit for life!! Nate